Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Cayetano Rides Again!

Voila! My second cover for the Honolulu Weekly is about Ben Cayetano's bid for Honolulu Mayor. He promises to kill Rail if elected, and claims that would be justice served as Rail is allegedly highway robbery on the part of the city at the expense of we taxpayers. Whether that's true or not, I'm not sure, but with this city's track record on public projects and using the ends to justify the means, I wouldn't be that surprised. Another thing Cayetano says in the Weekly interview is that the city is using taxpayer money to pay for pro-Rail advertisements, which are inherently anti-Cayetano, which could be seen as the city buying the election, or at least trying to. Interesting stuff. And it'll probably only get juicier as we get closer to the election.

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